Full Moon Ritual for 2022 (FREE)
Wed, Jan 19
|Online - Zoom
Join us for an impromptu guided full moon ritual meditation to release that which no longer serves you and make space for supportive energies and experiences to flow into your life.

Time & Location
Jan 19, 2022, 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM EST
Online - Zoom
About the Event
Join us for an impromptu guided full moon ritual meditation to release that which no longer serves you and make space for supportive energies and experiences to flow into your life. For this simple ritual, you can choose to actively participate by lighting your candle, incense, and burning your written intention, or you can simply follow the guided ritual meditation through creative visualization.
To actively participate you will need:
-A candle
-Your favorite, sacred incense – stick, cone, or loose
-A match or lighter to light the candle, incense, and to burn your written intention
-Your intention written on paper – this will be burned (I have used loose leaf paper and typing paper to burn intentions successfully)
If you prefer not to burn your intention, you can visualize it, or you can email your intention to be burned during the ritual (Intentions will not be shared publicly). If you choose to burn your intention, follow all safety protocols. Remember: Safety first!
-A fireproof bowl
To participate in the ritual, click the link below. Ritual is January 19, 2022, at 6:30 PM EST. The actual ritual will last about 15 minutes.
Topic: Full Moon Ritual
Time: Jan 19, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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